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Diploma Requirements

Course Progression

In high school, students must earn a certain number of Carnegie units, or "credits" in order to progress from one grade level to the next. At the end of each year, a student must have earned the minimum number of units to move to the next grade level.

Below is a chart to determine a student's grade level classification:

9th grade (Freshman):  0 - 5.5 units

10th grade (Sophomore):  6 - 10.5 units

11th grade (Junior):  11 - 16.5 units

12th grade (Senior): at least 17 units

It is possible for a student to have earned the minimum number of credits needed to pass to the next grade level but still need to retake course(s) that they failed in the previous year. If a student fails a required course, they must retake the course at some point during their high school career in order to meet graduation requirements.

Diploma Tracks

Below is a chart that shows the requirements for both the TOPS University and Jump Start diploma tracks. Students can use these sheets to keep track of their progress. 

Diploma Checklist

State Testing Requirements

All students must pass LEAP 2025 as a part of LA graduation requirements. Students must pass at least one (1) of following in each category:

Algebra I OR Geometry

English I -OR- English II

Biology I OR American History


Students who receive Special Education services may qualify for ACT 833 accommodations for these state tests. This information is provided during the student's annual IEP meetings. 

Statewide ACT Testing

All 11th graders are required to participate in ACT testing during the statewide test date, which is given in March of each school year. This test date is free of charge, and students are automatically registered for this exam. 


*All students are ENCOURAGED to take the ACT on other national test dates given and must register themselves online at