Applying to College and Scholarships
Check out the following video for tips and pointers on what you can do each year of high school to prepare for college applications.
Helpful resources for applying to multiple colleges:
Common App-
Click on the link above, then click Create an Account at the top right of the page (picture below for reference). From there, you will be able to apply for multiple colleges who use Common App. Please be sure to enter your counselor's email as the Counselor Recommender so we can upload your transcript, ACT scores, etc.
Schools such as LSU, Xavier, Tulane, Southern, Loyola, UNO, Dillard, Mississippi College, Ole Miss, The Culinary Institute of America, UT Austin, Centenary, Texas A&M, Baylor, University of Alabama, University of Southern Alabama, Auburn University, Florida State University, and many more use Common App. There are over 1,000 universities nationwide (and a few outside the US) for college applications. Find out what colleges use Common app by clicking--FIND A COLLEGE.
Common Black College App-
Click on the link above, then scroll down and click "Apply to any number of the 66 HBCU's below for only $20" (picture below for reference). From there, you can apply to as many of the 66 HBCU schools use Common Black College App. Please be sure to enter your counselor's email so we can upload your transcript, ACT scores, etc.